JPAN - Uncatchable Pokemon routine and awesome Fire Red Hacked Engine and his general knowledge colcolstyles, JPAN, TheDarkShark, and Jambo51 - Charmeleon/Charizard disobedience routine Pallet Town berry system doesn't work quite right yet Ashley backsprite is sometimes discolored and HP bar may be discolored during battles as Ashley Message for computer in player's room stays opened Rival's face turns red if you try to name him Can't get on/off the bike in certain outdoor areas

The Pokédex thinks Onix is part of the Diglett/Dugtrio family :/ - Not a bug - FireRed's Pokedex is just weird Bad Eggs appearing in your Storage Boxes (DO NOT move them) Ash stays on Misty's bike after Pikachu thundershocks the Spearow Running Shoes don't work in Pallet Town or Route 1? Green = Odd bug, but doesn't harm gameplay in the least
#Pokemon ash gray charizard chills movie
Intro event from 'Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power of one':
#Pokemon ash gray charizard chills series
Follows the same events as in the Anime Series and be rewarded with special events/items for carrying Ash's teamĮvents from 'The Water Flowers of Cerulean City': Have the opportunity to catch all of the Pokémon Ash does How will your journey as Ash Ketchum play out? There's only one way to find out. You're about to embark on an adventure of 116 events (plus two movie events) that will put you in Ash's shoes, allow you to catch the Pokémon he catches, and make the decisions he makes. Unfortunately, you stayed up all night watching Pokémon matches and woke up late! With all your rivals from Pallet Town (the most annoying being Gary) having taken all the starters available, it looks like you'll just have to go home. You're about to embark on your Pokémon adventure. You should expect a new Beta every 25 episodes or so, barring updates for bugs/glitches. I've basically hacked up to half way through the Orange Islands. The story follows the same one as the anime, including events, etc. I'm going to cover the events from each episode in the Kanto and Orange League series. But I started this because I wanted to make videos of playing Pokemon all the way through with Ash's lineup, to see just how it would go and it snowballed from there. I see that there have been hacks like this already, so I'm not sure how good mine would be in comparison. Hi, I've been working on a hack of FireRed for a Pokemon Anime Version of the game that basically follows the same events of the anime.